Torodinium robustum
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Torod_sp5.jpg Torod_sp6.jpg NSCN9965.jpg
Taxonomic Group: Dinoflagellate
Trophic Status: Autotrophic
Size Range: 25 ?m wide x 55-67.5 ?m long (LUMCON Guide); 21-23 ?m wide x 65-75 ?m long (Kofoid and Swezy 1921); 21-25 ?m wide x 36-75 ?m long (Dodge 1982)
Key Characteristics: Unarmored, small to medium cell with a cigar-shaped body; epitheca exceeds hypotheca by less than 3 times width; chloroplasts present
Confused With: Torodinium teredo, where the epitheca exceeds the hypotheca by more than 3 times width
Toxin: None known